12 labours of hercules 5 kids of hellas level 4.3
12 labours of hercules 5 kids of hellas level 4.3

12 labours of hercules 5 kids of hellas level 4.3

Facilier, Gantu, Zurg, Tarzan, Simba, Scar and Shere Khan) Epilogue (Featuring Ursula, Morgana, Merlin, Ariel, Arthur, Archimedes, Genie, Frollo, Dr.Forte vs Quasimodo (Featuring the Beast, Mulan, Mushu, and Cri-Kee).Battle For the Native Land (Featuring Governor Ratcliffe, Ratcliffe's Army, Commander Rourke, Clayton, Mercenaries, Kenai, Koda, Rutt and Tuke, The Powhatan Tribe, Chief Powhatan, Pocahontas, The Powhatan Warriors, Kocoum and Namontack).Jafar & Abis Mal vs Mulan (Featuring Jafar's Dark Horsemen, The Chinese Imperial Army, Captain Li Shang, Yao, Ling, and Chien Po, Mushu, and Cri-Kee).

12 labours of hercules 5 kids of hellas level 4.3

  • Genie vs Ursula & Morgana (Featuring Jafar, Flotsam and Jetsam, and Cloak and Dagger).
  • Facilier (Featuring Quasimodo, Facilier's Shadow Demons, Clopin, Djali, and Frollo)
  • Gantu vs Jim Hawkins (Featuring Doctor Doppler and Captain Amelia).
  • The Forces of Merlin vs The Forces of Maleficent (Featuring Merlin, Prince Philip, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather, The Fairy Godmother, Archimedes, Ariel, Diablo, Maleficent, the Horned King, Yzma, Bill Sykes, Roscoe and Desoto, Lady Tremaine, Lucifer, Arthur, The Wolf, and Maleficent's Goons).
  • Facilier, Shere Khan, Scar, McLeach, Gaston, Alameda Slim, Clayton, Lady Tremaine, Quasimodo, Victor, Hugo and Laverne)
  • Prologue (Featuring Frollo, Torturer Guard, Phoebus, Pinocchio, Alice, Professor Porter, Captain Hook, Prince John, The Queen of Hearts, Dr.
  • Epilogue (Featuring The Coachman, Frollo, Jafar, Iago, Hades, Maleficent, Kaa, Shere Khan, Ariel, Flounder, Electric Eels, Sebastian, Merlin, Fairy Godmother, Flora, Fauna, Merryweather, Prince Philip, Samson, Tarzan, Simba, Tantor, Kala, Terk, The Gorillas, Timon, Pumbaa, The Horned King, Ursula, Sykes, Roscoe, Desoto, Lady Tremaine, Shan-Yu, Mulan, Khan, Hercules, Pegasus, Philoctetes, Goofy, Donald and Diablo).
  • Jumbo, Frollo, the Coachman, Ratigan, Jaq, Gus, Roquefort, Jake, Evinrude, Bernard, and Doctor Dawson)
  • Sad Cutscene (Featuring Timothy, Dumbo, Bianca, Basil, Mrs.
  • Donald and Goofy vs Shan-Yu (Featuring Hayabusa the Falcon, and The Hun Army).
  • Taran vs Sykes (Featuring Hen Wen, Eilonwy, Fflewddur Fflam, Roscoe and Desoto, The Horned King, and The Horned King's Barbarian Guards).
  • Tarzan vs Kaa (Featuring Shere Khan and Jane Porter) (guest starring Hista only as cameo).
  • The Lost Boys vs Frollo's Forces (Featuring Stromboli, Foulfellow and Gideon, Tinker Bell, Peter Pan, and The Coachman).
  • Ariel vs Captain Hook and Monstro (Featuring Captain Hook's Pirates, Mr.
  • 12 labours of hercules 5 kids of hellas level 4.3

    Simba vs McLeach (Featuring Zazu, Timon, Pumbaa, Nala, Sarabi, The Lionesses, and Joanna).Mouse, Jaq, Gus, Doctor Dawson, Jake, Toby, Professor Ratigan, and Orville) The League of Extraordinary Gentlemice vs Lucifer (Featuring Basil of Baker Street, Bernard, Bianca, Roquefort, Timothy Q.Prologue (Featuring Merlin, Donald, Goofy and The Fairy Godmother).Mouse, Aladdin, Simba, Quasimodo, Ariel, Flounder, Goofy and Donald) Epilogue (Featuring Maleficent, Diablo, Scar, Shere Khan, Captain Hook, Prince John, The Queen of Hearts, Tinker Bell, The Lost Boys, Beast, Forte, Frollo, Stromboli, Foulfellow, Gideon, The Coachman, Bernard, Bianca, Jake, Basil, Jaq, Gus, Roquefort, Timothy Q.Pete (Featuring Pain and Panic, Philoctetes, the Flying Carpet, Genie, and Abu) The Evil Queen (Featuring The Magic Mirror, Lumiere, Belle, Mrs. Madame Mim (Featuring Iago, Jasmine, the Flying Carpet, Genie, and Abu) Scar (Featuring Banzai, Shenzi, and Ed, Shere Khan, Baloo, and Bagheera) Lady Tremaine (Featuring Drizella Tremaine and Anastasia Tremaine) The Queen of Hearts (Featuring Prince John, the Card Soldiers, Little John, Maid Marian, Sir Hiss, and Lady Kluck) McLeach, Bambi's Mother, and the Great Prince of the Forest) Jafar (Featuring Ursula, Ariel, and Flounder) Maleficent (also featuring Yen Sid, Minnie Mouse, and Goofy) Ratigan (also featuring Orville, Fidget, and Evinrude) Roscoe and Desoto (also featuring Bill Sykes, Lady, Jock, and Trusty) Frollo and the Ringmaster (also featuring Tinker Bell) Hades (also featuring The Sultan, Princess Jasmine, Abu, Genie, and The Flying Carpet) Prologue (featuring Prince Phillip, Maleficent, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather, Hades, Jafar, Ursula, Scar, Queen Grimhilde, Cruella De Vil, Captain Hook, Lady Tremaine, Frollo, Gaston, and Zeus).3.10 Escape from the Horned King's Citadel.

    12 labours of hercules 5 kids of hellas level 4.3